What Swimming with Dolphins Taught Me About Life, Business & Money abundance beliefs coaching personal development psychology Jun 07, 2021

I’ve been back in the states for a few days and have been attempting to put together my thoughts about what I experienced swimming with the dolphins….(see pic at the bottom--yup,...

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Do You Have a Bucket-List? abundance beliefs coaching energy healing Jun 07, 2021

(I wrote this before I left but in my excitement, forgot to post beforehand!)

Do you have a “bucket-list”?


Years ago I started calling it my “live life to the fullest”...

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Why Things Havenโ€™t Been Working Out For You abundance body code practitioner coaching emotion code practitioner May 24, 2021

I FINALLY got gas!! YAY!


If you saw my last email, I mentioned that I live in Charlotte, NC and we were hit hard by the gas crisis!

I didn’t want to participate in the craziness of...

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Something Big Has Shifted abundance beliefs coaching energy healing feelings personal development May 05, 2021

Something big has shifted - my focus in my work.


Things had been shifting for a few months now but the big AHA! came about when I was talking with a client that we had just finished working...

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Use This Simple Process to De-Stress! abundance anxiety beliefs body code practitioner coaching depression despair feelings personal development May 05, 2021

In my last blog post I talked about the 5 different “bodies” we have and how using them for a framework can help you make quick changes when you are struggling (let’s be...

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5-Bodies: This IS a Game-Changer For Creating Shifts In your World coaching depression despair emotions energy healing listen to your body May 05, 2021

As life continues to shift and change and stress levels are at all time highs for most people I wanted to write this email to share something my clients are finding incredibly helpful in managing...

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The Real Reason You Don't Achieve Your Goals (pt.1) coaching energy healing goals new years resolutions personal development psychology results coaching smart goals trapped emotions Dec 22, 2019

It’s the time of year when people are reflecting on the previous year and thinking about what they’d like to accomplish in the following year.

Often usually boiling down to something to...

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